You have never been slow in coming forward. If you’re in a position of leadership or involved in higher education, breaking new ground will be both stimulating and exciting. This will lead to considerable advances in your work, your reputation and not a little admiration from those around you.
Work carried out in the past is now being assessed. You will appreciate and feel secretly pleased with some heartening feedback received. A surprise gift or text message will make you feel like the happiest person on earth. It isn’t often you feel so positive and uplifted and it will feel good.
People will readily agree to your plans but don’t get too carried away with your ideas. Although you have a wonderful way of inspiring others, some ideas may be unrealistic and it will take a practical friend to bring your thoughts back down to earth.
Although they will not admit to it, you sense someone close is feeling run down and miserable. Encourage them to talk. A workmate feels they have nothing to show for all the effort they have been putting into a difficult job. With your help, it will be possible for them to get over a frustrating hurdle.
New responsibilities will come with an offer of promotion and you will take these on with enthusiasm. This is a move that has been in the offing for some time but until now you have felt uncertain about how things might go. Now your hopes are being realised it will take a few days for it all to sink in.
A campaign you had high hopes for is struggling to get off the ground. Some will say the right thing to do would be to give up on this idea altogether but you are not a quitter and you will be determined to find a way to move this project forward.
At times it will feel as if you are being pulled in a few directions. Work, social and family obligations are starting to feel overwhelming. You might be at home when your presence is requested elsewhere and you don’t feel able to tell people what you are really thinking.
You will do better when left to your own devices. Friends and colleagues will be making what they think are useful suggestions. These may not be in any way useful to you. Time is running short and when you are working to a deadline your whole focus will be on this goal.
You have a record of rushing ahead and leaving things ragged around the edges. You need to make sure your boss trusts you and you can do this by making today a day for finishing a current project you have been working on, to your employer’s satisfaction.
Financially, the situation will seem sensitive. There is concern about a larger than usual bill that is due any time now. In addition to this, a housemate’s money muddles are starting to get you down. If a friend asks for advice, admit that you really do not want to get involved.
If you insist on going ahead with ideas your partner objects to, all they are likely to do is stand back while you get on with the hard work. Since it was your idea in the first place and they did raise a few objections, you cannot really complain about their lack of enthusiasm.
You have a number of good reasons to get started on a project that up until now has been in the planning stages. An aspect of your life is coming to an end and this suggests you are preparing yourself for new beginnings. The prospect of change will be both scary and exhilarating.