Lisa Marie Presley gave Freddie Mercury a piece of Elvis history | Music | Entertainment

Like many classic rock legends, Freddie Mercury grew up on The Beatles and Elvis Presley. The Queen singer was a huge Elvis fan, with Brian May once telling “He was one of Freddie’s great heroes.” When The King died in 1977, he wrote a tribute song to him that became Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Freddie composed the track a couple of years after Elvis’ death, which was around the time he met The King’s daughter Lisa Marie Presley.

Incredibly, Freddie wrote Crazy Little Thing Called Love in minutes on the guitar while lounging in a bath in the Bayerischer Hof Hotel in Munich.

According to Melody Maker, the Queen singer – who died in 1991 – said: “Crazy Little Thing Called Love took me five or ten minutes. I did that on the guitar, which I can’t play for nuts, and in one way it was quite a good thing because I was restricted, knowing only a few chords. It’s a good discipline because I simply had to write within a small framework. I couldn’t work through too many chords and because of that restriction I wrote a good song, I think.” It was around this time that he met Lisa Marie.

In the interview, Lisa Marie, who died a couple of weeks ago at 54, said: “I remember bringing Freddie Mercury a scarf of my Dad’s and I gave it to him after the show. I loved it. I loved the theatrics. I loved Freddie. I thought Queen were awesome.”

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