Brits name their ‘everyday heroes’ – with attributes like kindness and selflessness

True acts of heroism include being selfless, brave – and standing up for others, according to Brits. A third consider kindness a modern heroic act, while 21 percent think simply being a good listener makes someone a hero, in its own small way.

A poll of 2,000 people found when asked who their all-time hero is, the nation’s mums topped the list with 22 percent of the vote – beating dads on 12 percent.

And others selected beloved teachers, best friends, and even their local lollipop men and women.

The research was conducted by Babybel to launch its “My Hero is…” Red Nose Day campaign, in partnership with Comic Relief 2023 – offering fundraising inspiration on all of its packaging.

The cheese brand has teamed up with Diversity member, Jordan Banjo, who took to the streets of London to perform everyday heroic acts – dressed in an iconic superhero cape.

The dancer and TV personality said: “For me, my mum is my hero – she’s someone who inspires me every day.

“She works seven days-a-week as my manager, Diversity’s manager, running a community dance school, and working with charities – but always has time for my brother, sister, and myself, and anyone who could ever need her.

“I feel genuinely inspired from speaking to so many people as part of Babybel’s Red Nose Day campaign, hearing about the heroes around us.”

Speaking to the public about their true heroes, it came to fruition that real heroes definitely don’t wear capes.

A spokesman for Babybel said: “There has been a huge shift in what we perceive a hero to be in recent years, and it’s great to see modern day superpowers include kindness and the empowerment of others.

“This year we have partnered with Comic Relief for its 23rd year, to celebrate those everyday acts of kindness that can really help those in need.

“We’ve all known someone who has faced up to an illness with bravery, or stood up for someone when necessary – those are the real heroes.”

Of those who picked their “everyday hero”, the main reason for doing so was that the person was always there when they were needed (70 percent).

Just over half (55 percent) consider their hero to be selfless, while 34 percent think they are so humble and unassuming, they aren’t even aware of the positive impact they have on other people’s lives.

More than three-quarters (77 percent) would also like to follow in their hero’s footsteps and be led by their example.

More than half (55 percent) have been inspired to be more confident by the person they consider heroic, and 46 percent have been moved to do better for others.

And it’s not just one person inspiring the nation – as, on average, adults have no fewer than three people they consider heroic in their day-to-day lives.

Six in ten agree the definition of a hero has changed in recent years – moving away from superheroes and celebrities, and shifting more to the everyday person.

And more than two-thirds (68 percent) also believe everyday heroes are modest and don’t want recognition, according to the results.

Babybel’s spokesman added: “It’s easy for small acts to be overlooked or overshadowed by grand gestures.

“But it’s great to see people wanting to shine a spotlight on the everyday heroes around them, and see how they, too, can be heroes this Red Nose Day – just by being kind, selfless, and listening to others.”

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