Michael J Fox retired after witnessing heartbreaking film moment | Films | Entertainment

Michael J Fox is living with Parkinson’s disease, and back in 2021, he announced his retirement from acting.

The star, who is best known for playing the iconic Marty McFly in the Back to the Future franchise, recently released a documentary – Still – about his life and how his illness has affected him in recent years.

In an interview with Empire Magazine to promote the documentary, Fox recalled a difficult moment during the filming of his TV show The Good Fight where he couldn’t remember his lines.

He was instantly reminded of Quentin Tarantino’s latest movie, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

The 61-year-old said: “I thought of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. There’s a scene where Leonardo DiCaprio’s character can’t remember his lines anymore.”

READ MORE: Michael J Fox’s ‘bad behaviour’ after Back to the Future fame went to his head

Fox continued: “He goes back to his dressing room and he’s screaming at himself in the mirror. Just freaking insane.”

The Canadian actor explained how this moment truly resonated with him, as it was something he himself experienced.

“I had this moment,” he said. “Where I was looking in the mirror and thought: ‘I cannot remember it anymore.'”

Fox has been very open with his struggles with Parkinson’s Disease over the years.

He has even started The Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, a charity determined to take on the disease directly.

However, he didn’t always have such a positive spin on the illness he endured.

In Still, Fox confessed: “I drank to distract myself, to escape my situation. I was an alcoholic.”

He also admitted he believes any “damage” his did to his body in his 1980s career may have brought on Parkinson’s.

“There are so many ways that I could have hurt myself,” he mused. “I could have hit my head. I could have drunk too much at a certain developmental period.”

Still is available to watch on Apple TV Plus now.

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