Horoscope: Earth and air signs could come on ‘too strong’ as void moon occurs

The natural cycle of the Moon means that it changes star signs every two, or two and a half days, passing through all 12 signs of the zodiac in a 27-day period.

During this time, the influence of each star sign is thought to take hold on aspects of everyday life – except when it is void.

Whether it be love and relationships, luck, or important career moves, the influence varies between each person.

And according to one astrologer, earth and air signs will be most impacted by today’s void moon.

The expert claimed that those born under Libra and Capricorn face negative repercussions of “coming on too strong” around others.

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A void-of-course will occur today, Monday, May 29 from 5:45am EDT to 10:51am EDT (10:46am  to 3:15pm BST).

This marks the moon’s last aspect before changing signs from Virgo and moving into Libra.

According to an expert at Cafe Astrology, the Moon in Virgo encourages all zodiacs to be “analytical, critical, and technical”.

They explained: “The Libra Moon stirs us to harmonise and balance our lives. This Moon transit helps us see the other side of a story or situation.”

The astrologer continued: “With the Libra Moon’s trine to Pluto, we’re especially aware of our social skills and need for more effective communication.

“We’re determined and ready to make long-lasting changes. Especially as the day advances, it’s a good time for activities that engage our emotions.”

While there is a window of opportunity to partake in meaningful social interactions, astrologer Kelly Benson warned that there are two star signs that may be challenged by the changing lunar aspect.

She warned the 12 zodiac signs to “avoid shopping or making important decisions today” while the void moon occurs.

Kelly added that those with a Libra or Capricorn star sign should also think twice about how they present themselves to others.

The astrologer said: “Libra (born September 23 to October 22), today the Moon is in your sign, which can make you more emotional than usual.

“Do be aware of this. For example, you might be too intense dealing with your kids or with friends, groups and organizations. Lighten up! You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”

Kelly warned Capricorns (born December 22 to January 19) that they “might be coming on pretty strong today. especially when dealing with authority figures”.

She explained that this includes parents, bosses, teachers and the police, urging that this may be a defensive move when those born under the star sign feel their privacy has been invaded.

Under the Libra Moon, there is a tendency to want to avoid conflict at all costs, so this kind of behaviour may be challenging to the earth and air signs.

And as the Moon governs the inner-self, the 12 zodiac signs should be prepared for some personal reflection in order to progress past this obstacle.

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