September horoscope: Two ‘winners’ unveiled as all zodiacs ‘challenged’


September 2023 starts with nearly every planet in retrograde (Image: GETTY)

Speaking exclusively to, Inbaal revealed: “September 2023 starts with nearly every planet in retrograde, and they all reverse throughout the month, except for Mars, the planet of war. Retrogrades represent challenges, and since those will appear in every aspect of life – love, finances, communication, charity, career and more – we’ll each need to be taking on September with resilience and humour.

“The real winners this month will be Mars’s signs, Aries and Scorpio because they just charge through any blocks as if they don’t exist, blind confidence wins the day.”


Inbaal opined: “You’re a fiery and powerful sign, Aries, and this month you’re not showing off about it, but using your strength with patience and understanding. Your ruling planet is fiery Mars, the only planet to start the month going direct.

“All the other planets are in retrograde, so Mars gives you the clear advantage of being able to press through with focus and determination and find success in your career, love life and studies.

“Mars is in Libra all month, so the balancing act is easy for you. You are able to give each part of your life the same attention, as well as helping those who are struggling.”

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The real winners this month will be Mars’s signs, Aries and Scorpio (Image: GETTY)


The expert continued: “You can breathe a big sigh of relief, Taurus, because September sees you able to achieve success easily. At the start of the month, your ruling planet Venus is in retrograde.

“This means that the things that matter to you in life – your relationship, your home and the way you feel about yourself – start off being challenging and slow to improve. From September 4, however, Venus goes direct, and all those elements become easier and more fun. Venus is in Leo, a passionate and enthusiastic sign, so you press forward confidently and happily.”


Inbaal warned: “Your normally playful nature gets put to one side this month, Gemini, and you focus on forward planning and on finding your voice. Everyone’s scared of the Mercury retrograde, because it is a time of misunderstandings and communication issues, such as mix-ups around sales, lost emails and exes coming back from the past.

“September’s Mercury retrograde which ends on the 16th impacts you, as Mercury is your ruling planet, and you feel as if all your efforts to get organised go awry. Mercury is in Virgo, a neat and organised sign, so after the retrograde ends, you succeed in laying down plans for the rest of the month.”


Retrogrades represent challenges, claimed Inbaal (Image: THE EXPRESS)


“You are ruled by the moon, Cancer, and so your life goes in eternal cycles, from new moon to full moon and back again,” the astrologer commented. “On September 15, the new moon is in Virgo. This means that there are new beginnings coming into your life in practical, Virgoan matters such as career changes and searching for a new home.”

She added: “On September 29, the full moon is in Aries, so you’ll reach the peak of your achievements in fitness and new beginnings, which are Aries matters. You’ll be doing better at the gym, and potentially booking an activity holiday.”


Inbaal warned: “There’s a good chance that love grabs you by the mane this month, Leo, and when it’s grabbed, it doesn’t let go. For the whole of September, the planet Venus, which is in charge of love, beauty and the home, happens to be in your sign.

“The first few days of the month are imperfect, because this planet just happens to be in retrograde. During those days, love tries to find you but fails, your famed confidence is not at its best, and you don’t make a move with love. After September 4, however, when the Venus retrograde ends, you take a chance on love and you fall for someone special, maybe even someone from your past!”


Now in the season of Virgo, Inbaal claimed that the year ahead “is already planned out” and the zodiac sign is prepared”. She explained: “Your natural tendency is to have everything ready, and then let life take its course. This September, your ruling planet Mercury is in your sign all month, which means that everyone around you does things the Virgo way.

“People’s tendencies are to be more organised, more perfectionist. The bad news is that, until September 16, Mercury is in retrograde, so even though your plans are neat and specific, they might materialise slightly differently to how you anticipate.”

Virgo explained

September welcomes Virgo season (Image: THE EXPRESS)


The astrologer revealed: “Your calm and timid nature will be showing itself a little differently, Libra, with a few powerful roars under Leo’s influence. For the entirety of the month, you’re doing a good impression of the lion, because Venus, which is your ruling planet, is in the sign of Leo all month long.

“At the start of September Venus is in retrograde, so until Monday 4, your newfound strength might not be very well received. After the end of the retrograde, however, you use your voice to benefit yourself and others, and you stand strong and don’t back down in the face of injustice.”


“It’s time to find the balance within, Scorpio”, said Inbaal. The expert added: “Your traditional ruling planet, Mars, is the only planet not to be going retrograde at the start of September, which is a blessing. Mars is in balanced Libra, so you are being called to exercise patience.

“Let the one you love come to you. Let the boss make you an offer. Patience will pay off for you this month. Your modern ruling planet is Pluto, the planet of transformation, and this one does happen to be in retrograde, so any ideas of big life changes will have to wait. Drastic transformations will not work out so keep the hairstyle and your career trajectory the same, for a little longer.”


The astrology expert claimed: “You enjoy spending your earnings, Sagittarius – on yourself, on others, on whoever needs it. And this month you try to be sensible with your money. Your ruling planet, generous Jupiter is in sensible Taurus all month long, so you may just pull it off and save a bit, or at least be practical with your finances.

“But there goes Jupiter and turns retrograde on Tuesday 5, and all your plans go up in smoke. You could find yourself losing your credit card or forgetting the password to your banking app temporarily.”


Inbaal opined: “You’re normally more of a practical sign, less emotional, but you’ve been trying to let your sensitive side shine, Capricorn. This month, your ruling planet Saturn happens to be in the sensitive sign Pisces all month long, so you’re more at ease with your emotions.

“However, Saturn is retrograde all month, which casts a shadow on this experiment. When you succeed in crying without feeling embarrassed, you might find that you can’t stop. When you allow your heart to feel love openly, the retrograde might mean that it’s not reciprocated at times.”


The astrologer said: “You are resilient and intelligent, and those qualities will be put to the test this September, Aquarius. Aquarius is one of the few signs to have two ruling planets. Yours is Uranus and Saturn. Uranus is unpredictable like you, and Saturn is focused like you.

“This month, both planets are in retrograde, so both your chaotic side and your more mature side are facing their challenges. Saturn retrograde will make you struggle with your focus, and mix up facts in an important job interview, and Uranus retrograde will make you wish you were more organised, as plans you made half-heartedly fail to materialise in the end.”


Inbaal warned: “Your trust in others is legendary but will be challenged this month, Pisces. The planet Neptune, which is the planet of dreams and illusions, is in Pisces all month. It just so happens that Neptune is also the ruling planet of Pisces, so it is right at home there. It means that you’ll feel free to dream and to use your imagination and intuition.

“You love being that person who’s not afraid to dream, and this month you get to be fully yourself. However, Neptune is in retrograde all month, and this could create some havoc so that you’ll be caught daydreaming when you’re not meant to.”

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