Every nation has a narrative—a story composed of historical interpretations, del…

Every nation has a narrative—a story composed of historical interpretations, deletions, and fabrications that engender beliefs and traditions. And every
national narrative has a “bad guy,” a scapegoat to take the blame for group and national failings, a bad guy against whom to unite the whole, to serve as a
symbol of what the nation is not—thereby defining what the nation is. Today across the West, we have the Antiwhite Narrative – and its conclusion for us and our childern is death, only if we don’t work to create our own story.

#WhiteWellbeing #WhitePositive #NoWhiteGuilt #Antiwhitism #Antiwhites #Antiwhiteism #WhiteErasure #Antiwhitenarrative #Westernkind #Love #Hope #Redemption #GoFree #GoFreeMethod #Goingfree #loveWhitepeople #WhitePeople #Whitelove #onepeoplemanynations #Rightwing #nationalist #Positive #patriot #Maga #Maga2024 #Trump #Trump2024


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