If you ever wanted to buy a Bible from an Anti-Christ, NOW’S your chance! It’s “…

If you ever wanted to buy a Bible from an Anti-Christ, NOW’S your chance! It’s “THE ONLY BIBLE ENDORSED BY DONALD TRUMP!” This illiterate moron (who has never read the Bible), is shopping the Holy Book filled with “AMERICA!” (just like well-known Americans, Moses and Jesus, wanted!)
On the bright side, funds raised from this sale will go to Children with Cancer… oh… wait. No. Sorry. Funds go to somebody named Donald Trump. I’m sure it’s a worthy cause.
#Trump2024 #TrumpBible #Trump2024TheOnlyChoice #TrumpForPrison2024 #trumpcon #MAGA #dimbulb #MAGA2024 #Huckster #FraudAlert #AntiChristAgenda #élection2024


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