A ‘Brexit bad boy’ reveals his journey from Donald Trump to Napoleon’s cannon b**** | Politics | News

Andy Wigmore was one of the so-called “Brexit bad boys” with millionaire Arron Banks and Nigel Farage behind the Leave.EU campaign machine in the 2016 referendum.

After the famous victory, they were pictured with Donald Trump going for dinner with the newly elected US President in Trump Tower.

But after beating the Remainers at the ballot box and later in the courtroom, Mr Wigmore can now be seen on film marching in a French uniform to fight for a united Europe.

It all came about last year when he turned up for auditions for a new film by Ridley Scott with an advert asking for people with military experience to be extras.

As a former competitive shooter who represented Belize in the Commonwealth Games, Wigmore fitted the bill perfectly.

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In an exclusive interview with Express.co.uk, he said: “I went to an audition for people with military experience and found out it was for Ridley Scott’s new film Napoleon.

“I play an Imperial Guard in the Austrian army including the final snow scene when Napoleon cannons the Austrian army on ice.

“It was genuinely terrifying with 200 horses riding full pelt at you.”

After being accused by Guardian journalist Carole Cadwalladr of colluding with the Russians over Brexit he also joked that she and some of his critics might not be surprised to see he played a Russian soldier as well.

He added: “I was also cannon loader in the French army – one of Napoloeon’s cannon b****es.

“It was an awesome experience, especially the Battle of Waterloo. One month filming and it was breathtaking.”

Mr Wigmore has had a varied career doing a number of things from being a diplomat for Belize, a campaign director for Leave.EU and even “a lab rat” for the Covid vaccine tests.

Napoleon is not the first production he has been an extra in having also played a role as a security guard in Netflix’s The Crown.

This included pretending to be a security officer for Prince Harry on a trip to Belize which ironically many years before he had been instrumental in arranging.

The filming for Napoleon took place all over England at locations like Blenheim Palace, Greenwich, York and the same place they filmed Gladiator as well as Malta.

He said: “All the kit including muskets were real ones which fired blanks but you had to be able to load it as if it was a real weapon.”

Wigmore also got to meet the director Ridley Scott and Hollywood star Joaquin Phoenix who played Napoleon.

He said: “Joaquin was an absolute gent who chatted between scenes.

“Watching Ridley work was an absolute privilege – his attention to detail makes the scene seem real even though you know it’s a film set.

“He’s an absolute genius.”

Mr Wigmore has promised moviegoers that seeing the film will be an amazing experience.

He said: “The audience is in for the most epic film experience ever.”

Napoleon is due to be released in cinemas on November 24.

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