Have you ever been looking at the clock at work, and made a wish when the time struck 11:11? Or is your favourite song exactly two minutes and 22 seconds long? Some people believe specific and repeating number patterns have a special meaning.
Angel numbers are a pattern of numbers that you will often see in everyday life, and some people believe these numbers are not a coincidence. They are commonly called “angel numbers” and are meant to be a higher power trying to send a message to you.
Be it the universe, fate, a deity, or a guardian angel, these numbers often appear at a crucial time to give you some sort of sign. Angel numbers can appear in ordinary places at any time, such as a licence plate, the time, the cost of your favourite snack, or a random Spotify song.
The point is that you will spot an angel number at a crucial point in time when you are worried about something or are making an important decision. Novalee Wilder, a professional numerologist, spoke to USA Today about angel numbers and said they often bring “confirmation” and “empowerment”.
She said: “I think lots of people are looking for signs. But sometimes, there’s like a fork in the road. The last couple of years have not, in any way, dampened the anxiety in the world, in people, Seeing the signs and patterns makes me feel like there’s still something guiding me, something supporting me.”
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Angel number patterns often come in a sequence of three and can range from 000 to 999, but will be a series of numbers you often see in your daily life. Novealee said: “Whenever we see one number repeated more than once, the more it gets repeated, the stronger it gets.”
An angel number is meant to be very specific and personal to whoever is spotting the pattern of numbers and can be positive or negative depending on how you interpret them
However, in numerology, different numbers carry different symbolism, and some people use this method to figure out what their angel number means.
For example, in numerology, the number ‘1’ represents the beginnings of a journey while the number ‘2’ can mean creativity but can also represent the moon, and can be a call to be more expressive in your life.
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The number 3’ is associated with growth, both the numbers ‘4’ and ‘5’ can represent change, while the number ‘6’ can mean unconditional love and support. The number ‘7’ is connected to individuality, the number ‘8’ can mean taking power back in a situation, and finally, the number ‘9’ can mean completion and endings.
One spiritualist TikToker called Makayla (@starryeyedmystic) is someone who believes in angel numbers and even got her personal angel number as a tattoo. She has explained how she discovered her own number and how you can find your own personalised angel number.
She said: “Basically all that I really did was I prayed and asked for a sign. [Those of us that believe in angel numbers] understand that angel numbers are being used to communicate something to us, to give us an omen, a sign, or a message.
“However, people often forget, we can communicate back, we can ask for guidance, we can ask for specific signs and we can ask for specific angel numbers. That’s all I did, I just asked: ‘Hey spirit guides, can you show me a number that represents a good omen for me’ and then I kept seeing the number 113 and I took the sign.”
What does seeing the angel number 222 mean?
The angel number 222 is thought to signal a time of reflection in your life. It can reflect a period of transitioning between two phases in your life. This could be in careers or relationships. Seeing 222 can also be a sign to look at the connections in your like, and to try to find unity.
What does seeing the angel number 333 mean?
Seeing the number 333 in your life can be a sign that your life could do with some expansion. Perhaps it’s time for growth, or this is a sign you need to aim high. Now could be the perfect time to set ambitious goals and go for them.
What does seeing the angel number 555 mean?
This number is all about change, so if you’re seeing three fives in a row, perhaps things are about to shift in your life. A breakup, a new relationship, a new job or moving to another country, big changes could be on the cards for you. But these shifts may not be external. Perhaps a new state of mind is coming your way, or a whole new way of seeing the world.