Blood-Eagle Saga review: An epic tale of triumph and terror | Books | Entertainment

White-haired stranger Snorri emerges from a frozen wilderness and offers to recount a saga to Viking warlord Sven Ravenfeeder and his men in exchange for food and water. But the brutal warrior drops a noose around Snorri’s neck and tells him: “If we like your story, you will live…”

Snorri sings for his life in a tale that pits two rival Vikings against each other – Grim and his former right-hand man Asgeir.

When Grim steals his longboat loaded with gold, war-hardened Asgeir gives chase across the North Sea to Iceland, then westwards to the new world.

Asgeir’s partner, Irish slave girl Mary, uses her magical powers to track Grim across the Atlantic. Along the way, they find themselves in a clash with native Americans.

Inspired by the rhyme and rhythm of the great Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, the book’s pages have all the essential ingredients for a compelling story.

Bloody battles, rivalry and lust – as well as a healthy dose of humour – keep readers engrossed from the dedication page right up to the end of a beautifully written saga.

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