Body language expert analyses Prince William as a husband

Kate would often copy her husband’s more “bashful, shy” gestures such as the fig-leaf hand clasp, which might have been her way of “boosting his confidence and offering support”.

Judi continued: “William’s body language very quickly suggested an even balance of power and status.

“It suggested that William grew up very quickly after his wedding and began to enjoy job-sharing with his wife.

“Over the years he has learnt to be less protective and less anxious about sharing Kate with the public and his signals now suggest a man totally comfortable with stepping back a little to show respect and a little awe of his wife.”

According to the expert, Will and Kate work together as a team, with a “very like-minded, unified approach to marriage and parenthood” – “they move and think as one a lot of the time”.

READ MORE: William is ‘especially close’ to one royal – makes him feel ‘relaxed’

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