

Spotify does nothing as Joe Rogan peddles vaccine misinformation

After Baylor microbiology professor and public health advocate Peter Hotez, MD Ph.D. tweeted out a Motherboard article about Spotify’s lack of moderation of Joe Rogan’s misinformation after a podcast episode with guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Rogan challenged him to debate Robert F Kennedy, Jr, proposing a $100,000 donation to …

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Read this before signing up for Amazon Clinic

How to turn off Amazon Sidewalk Amazon Sidewalk is a feature that Amazon offers at no extra change, and it is essentially a shared network between all Alexa users The CDC says millions of Americans are skipping doses, delaying refills, and taking other measures to save on meds. Add that to …

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Massive cyberattack strikes millions: Are you at risk?

Millions of Americans are facing a significant threat to their personal data as a result of a massive cyberattack targeting the widely used file-transfer program known as MOVEit. The impact so far is vast, even compromising residents of Louisiana and Oregon who possess driver’s licenses or state identification cards, and …

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