

Russian invasion: What is NATO’s Article 5?

President Biden on Wednesday met with leaders of NATO nations dubbed the Bucharest 9 (B9) – which flank the eastern front and stand as the first line of defense against Russia – to reaffirm the alliance’s commitment to Article 5 and the protections it grants all member nations.  Article 5 …

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China ramping up persecution of Christians as it demands ‘worship and allegiance’ of Xi Jinping: watchdog

The Chinese Communist Party escalated its persecution of Christians throughout 2022 as the country clamped down on churches and online religious content while demanding allegiance to Chinese President Xi Jinping, according to a watchdog group. A report released last week by the U.S.-based non-governmental organization ChinaAid warned that the Chinese …

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Yale professor suggesting ‘mass suicide’ of elderly ‘inappropriate’ but understandable: Japanese commentator

A Yale professor’s recently surfaced suggestion that Japan’s elderly commit mass suicide was “inappropriate” but understandable given the social burdens the country’s aging population has caused, a Japanese political commentator told Fox News. “Our frustration piles up and the frustration is real,” Yoko Ishii, a YouTuber, told Fox News. “So, …

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Reporter’s Notebook: What Russia can and can’t afford

Russia’s wartime economy How has Russia’s economy faired under sanctions? Fox News correspondent Amy Kellogg interviewed a Russian expert on how the Kremlin has dealt with the crippling sanctions. There was hope the unprecedented and severe Western sanctions slapped on Russia after it invaded Ukraine would prompt Moscow to cave …

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