Those who fall under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Tiger will be born in one of the following years: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 or 2022. According to Chinese astrology, will Tiger have a sweet and romantic year ahead – or do the stars spell disaster?
When it comes to romance, Tiger is set to have an exciting year.
While there will of course be some bumps along the way, this sign’s romantic life seems to be following an “upward trend”.
Tiger should play close attention to their friends’ friends, meeting mutual contacts whenever they can.
This is because their friends can help them “meet many suitable friends of the opposite sex”.
READ MORE: Five Chinese zodiac signs most likely to be rich
If an arranged introduction sparks a romantic connection, “a sweet relationship will begin”.
Finding love should not be too hard for Tiger, as this sign has a magnetic, radiant energy.
Tiger may have many people admiring them from afar, or even from their inner circle.
According to Chinese astrology, Tiger is “very popular in the eyes of friends of the opposite sex”.
This sign could risk heartbreak if they aren’t careful: “If his/her heart is not sincere, your relationship won’t last long.”
Love compatibility between the zodiac signs takes into account the fundamental personality traits of each one.
Tiger’s best partner is a Horse, Dog or Pig, while their worst is usually an Ox, Snake, Goat or Monkey.