Elvis’ cousin answers fan questions on growing up with Lisa Marie | Music | Entertainment

Asked on his Memphis Mafia Kid YouTube channel what Lisa Marie’s favourite food was as a kid, he said how much she loved candy, peanut butter cups and especially French fries. In fact, he enjoyed the latter so much that she once scoffed down her friend’s plate when their back was turned, as well as her own.

Before she died, Elvis’ daughter did admit in interviews that she was “a terror” as a child and it turns out wouldn’t take no for answer. This was especially as her father “was not strict at all”.

Danny was asked if Lisa Marie, who was just 9 when her father died, was told “no” would she be sneaky and go and ask Elvis. Her cousin laughed: “You’re damn skippy [she did!] If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a million times, ‘I’m going to tell my Daddy’ and most of the time she would….She loved being bossy and she loved being in control. That was just Lisa.” 

During the Q&A, he was also asked by fans if the Smith family were invited to Lisa Marie’s funeral as her cousins.

READ MORE: Elvis’ ‘heartbroken’ cousin on memories of childhood with Lisa Marie

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