Prince Harry continued: “People variously called the house a castle, a mansion, a palace. But it reminded me of the badger sett. Dark, claustrophobic. I walked around saying, ‘The King lived here, you say? Really?’”
Elvis purchased Graceland on its 13.8 acre estate back in 1957 for just over $100,000. The mansion boasts 23 rooms, including eight bedrooms and bathrooms with 14 TVs. Not quite the size of the palaces and stately homes the Duke of Sussex is used to, but impressive to much of the public no doubt.
The royal who said they all wore blue suede shoes in Elvis’ honour, added: “I stood in one tiny room with loud furniture and shag carpet and thought, ‘The King’s interior designer must have been on acid.’”
And now a close family member of The King’s who grew up at Graceland with Lisa Marie Presley has responded to Prince Harry’s attack on the home that is now a museum.
READ MORE: Elvis ‘was never the same’ after big change claimed The Beatles