Elvis fans knew something wrong with Lisa at King’s birthday days before death | Music | Entertainment

Today marks what would have been the 89th birthday of Elvis Presley, which will be celebrated outside Graceland today with the annual Birthday Proclamation.

Last year, The King’s only child Lisa Marie Presley made a rare public appearance to honour her father in a speech that was a first for a long time, following the death of her son Benjamin Keough in 2020.

A year ago today, fans expressed their concern for her well-being on the livestream’s comments, as she wore dark glasses and spoke with a deep voice.

Supportive fans wrote at the time: “I cannot imagine the pain she faces. Respect for Lisa…it’s very draining…Poor Lisa. Pray for you Lisa. Wish you peace… …She sounds so tired…She will never recover from a child’s death…We are grieving with you Lisa.”

Little did she and everyone else know that just four days later she would tragically have died of a bowel obstruction, as a result of adhesions caused by weight loss surgery several years prior.

During the speech, Lisa Marie said: “Thank you. It’s been a while. I missed you. I keep saying you’re the only people who can bring me out of my house. I’m not kidding! I love you back and that’s why I’m here. So today he would have been 88 years old. It’s hard to believe. And I think he’d be proud. I think this year’s been an incredible year. I think the movie was incredible and I’m very proud of it. I hope you guys are too. I really appreciate you coming from all over the world and it’s really moving to me and my family and thank you.”

Afterwards, the official proclamation of Elvis’ birth was read out and his daughter cut a giant birthday cake as everyone touchingly sang Happy Birthday to the late King of Rock and Roll, who remains the best-selling solo artist in the history of music.

Lisa Marie then headed to the mansion’s Meditation Garden for a private moment by her father and son’s graves. It’s reported that at the time she said she’d be buried there one day but not any time soon as there was much left she wanted to do with her life. Yet tragically, the 54-year-old died just four days later after flying to Los Angeles to witness Austin Butler win the Golden Globe for playing Elvis in Baz Luhrmann’s biopic.

Her memorial service took place just a couple of weeks later on the same spot of Graceland’s front lawn where she’d honour her father on his birthday, before she was buried next to her son in the Meditation Garden.

No doubt Lisa Marie will be paid tribute to in today’s Elvis Birthday Proclamation which fans can watch on livestream here.

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