Men are more likely to do this (28 percent), compared to 16 percent of women.
Additionally, 23 percent of male dog owners believe their pet has helped them win a date – compared to 13 percent of women.
And 62 percent of all pet owners have been stopped on the street because of their canine companion, with 73 percent of those enjoying the extra attention they receive.
The research was commissioned by Lottoland.co.uk which is supporting pet welfare charity Blue Cross with a dedicated scratch card and is sharing a special dog-friendly menu that owners can prepare for their beloved pets this Valentine’s Day.
A Lottoland spokesperson said: “Dating apps are rife with selfies with pets, so it’s no surprise that so many people said their dog had helped them find a match.
“Dogs obviously have the cute factor, but on top of that, a person who clearly loves their pet comes across as caring and compassionate – excellent qualities for a potential date.
“It’s interesting to see how much extra attention a furry face can bring – and how much people love it.”
The research also found 29 percent of owners have formed long-lasting relationships with others after first connecting about dogs – be that friendship, or romance.
And 41 percent of those whose significant other also has a pup, believe their own dog had fallen in love with their partner’s.
But 63 percent think everyone deserves to find true love at some point, even dogs.
Those in the capital are more romantic than most when it comes to their pet’s feelings, as 52 percent of London owners believe their dog has fallen in love before.
This compares to just 13 percent in the North West and 15 percent in the East of England.
Although seven in 10 of those polled, via OnePoll, believe a pup’s relationship with its owner is all the love they need.
It also emerged 28 percent have even treated their furry friend to something special on Valentine’s Day – buying them a gift or even preparing a nice meal.
And men appear to be the most generous, with 34 percent treating their pet on the big day, compared to 25 percent of women.
The spokesperson from Lottoland added: “It’s lovely to see so many are treating their pets on Valentine’s Day while they are out celebrating with loved ones.
“For those who want to do something special for their pets, we hope this gourmet recipe does the trick.
“And for anyone who would like to contribute to Blue Cross to say thanks for the delicious dish ideas, our charity scratch card donates 20p of every pound spent to this fantastic organisation. Bon appetite.”