Heavy lead X-ray aprons at dentist may do more harm than good, experts say

Heavy lead X-ray aprons at dentist may do more harm than good, experts say

Heavy lead X-ray aprons at dentist may do more harm than good, experts say


BOSTON – The protective aprons used during dental X-rays may be doing more harm than good.

If you’ve ever had an X-ray of your teeth at the dentist, you’ve had a heavy lead apron draped over you to reduce radiation exposure to other body parts.  

But experts, including at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, say that’s no longer necessary.  

Older-generation radiology equipment could scatter radiation beyond the teeth and jaw, but modern technology has reduced that risk significantly such that lead aprons don’t provide any additional benefit.  

In fact, the apron can get in the way which may require a patient to undergo additional X-rays to get a good view.  

However, individual states will have to update their policies before we see these aprons go the way of the dinosaurs.

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