A little light exercise might relieve a nagging pain. A friend who has always been supportive in the past will object to your plans and ideas. They seem unable to view a certain matter through your eyes. Have faith in yourself if planning for an audition or interview. Wear something distinctive so people will remember you.
Family life should be pleasant. There is plenty to enjoy when you get together with housemates and close friends. Are you single and looking for love? Tap into today’s lunar energy by getting out and about in your neighbourhood and you will meet someone you can easily relate to.
You’re growing bored with the same jobs and mixing with the same people. Romance and friendship activities suddenly start to feel uninspiring. You had been anticipating a more lively day but don’t let your disappointment show. Someone is actually enjoying the time they are spending with you.
If you’re struggling with a personal problem, talk to an older relative who has always understood you. A problem shared will, in this case, be a problem halved. A friend’s behaviour will disappoint you. Do your best to look on the bright side no matter what occurs.
Don’t keep your sunny frame of mind to yourself. Share your time with family and friends and your high spirits will be contagious. You’re feeling quietly confident about a recent financial or business transaction. You and a partner should be concentrating on shared interests.
Excitement levels are building. Joint projects open new doors for you. Don’t be reluctant to sing your own praises. Support will come when you need it providing you let others know what you are planning, what help you might need and when. There are plenty of people around you who share your interests.
A family issue will need careful handling. Someone will say one thing but you have a strong feeling they are thinking something else. Encourage them to be honest with you. If you’re uncertain about it, put off making holiday or travel commitments until you have had more time to think.
Disagreement over a recent domestic expenditure will stir up trouble in the family but you have heard it all before. The priority has to be keeping a roof over your head. With regard to evening plans, you will prefer not to go in for anything too noisy or boisterous. The quieter your surroundings, the better.
Friends are planning something unusual and exciting. Normally this would have got your support but currently you need to take a break and avoid activities that drain your energy. Relax more. Spend time doing something you enjoy to alleviate tension. Reforms need to take place in the workplace.
A youngster in the family will be especially sensitive to your mood. It may be necessary to explain in simple terms why you aren’t as bright as usual. If you’re tired of having to deal with nonsense at work, it is time to voice your complaints. You can’t be expected to have to cover for a colleague who is always off sick.
A get-together needs to be organised. Despite the enthusiasm others are showing when volunteers are needed, the response will be disappointing. Don’t be too quick to take on too much responsibility. Happy love prospects help all the cares and worries of recent days to slip away.
A money demand you had been worrying over is something you can now easily take in your stride. Your practical outlook will stand you in good stead in the workplace. Your boss will admire the sensible approach you take to solving career problems.