Horoscopes: Your weekly horoscope from astrologer Russell Grant

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) 

Giving a partner or someone special an extravagant gift will be your way to say how much you appreciate them being in your life. There’s a sense of optimism in the air as life suddenly feels more prosperous.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

You can be flexible when you need to be. Some people won’t believe this until they see how well you cope with the unexpected events occurring as the week begins. News received will allow you a stronger degree of financial freedom.

Gemini (May22/June21)

An arrangement which had already been agreed on will come up for discussion once again. You will feel annoyed with the restrictions now being placed on you and for that reason you might decide not to continue.

Cancer (June22/July23)

A loved one will want to call the tune. Normally you would go along with their suggestions but when you think about how controlling they have been of late you might decide it is time to take the initiative and push for what you want to do, instead.

Leo (July24/Aug23) 

Someone will ask for a chance to make amends by apologising for having caused a bad situation or passed on a harmful rumour. You can see they are sincerely regretful of a past wrongdoing and it is clear they have learned from this mistake.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)

You get to forge ahead with a joint project thanks to the skills of others you are working with. Watching their methods will be a learning experience and you will be getting more out of this situation than you could ever have expected.

Libra (Sept24/Oct23) 

A financial issue will need to be resolved. If you are honest, you might admit that it is a recent careless expenditure that has caused this embarrassing situation. A little self-control now when it comes to spending will pay off in the future.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

Outside activities will be hampered due to conditions beyond your control. If you have played an important part in the planning stage this will be all the more frustrating. Some patience will be necessary to save you from giving up on a project.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

Someone has been reckless in their spending. If it is you, you will admit to this and you will also agree to stick with a budget agreed on with your partner. You might even take on some extra work in order to increase the amount of money you are bringing into your household.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) 

Working to a tight deadline will create panic in the workplace. You will never make promises you cannot deliver and you know what you are capable of. What you may not have taken into account was the carelessness of a colleague who has cut one too many corners.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

A young relative is moving on in an attempt to broaden their knowledge or horizons. It will feel strange watching someone you have helped and supported for a long time gain their freedom. They will know you are just a phone call away should they ever need you.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) 

You aren’t sure whether you can trust someone you recently met but when your intuition is telling you it is important to keep in with the crowd you are mixing with at this time you won’t yet voice your suspicions. There will be a need to be flexible about domestic plans.

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