How to get rid of mosquitoes with ingredient they ‘truly detest’

Experts at Mosquito Squad explained that one of the most effective hacks to repel mosquitoes only requires one ingredient most people have in the house.

Mosquitoes hate the smell of garlic so using this natural method will instantly repel the insects.

The experts explained how to do it: “Peel and crush a few cloves of garlic, then boil them in water for 20 minutes.

“Load the garlic water in a treatment bottle and treatment where mosquitoes are.”

However, they warned households that after doing this, “everything will smell like garlic”.

Garlic not only repels mosquitoes but also flies, fleas and other insects.

The experts at Mosquitonix explained: “Some studies suggest that garlic – like onions and other members of the alliaceae family – contains natural anti-microbial properties that mosquitoes and other pests truly detest.”

Other unusual methods to get rid of the flying insects include using fabric softener sheets and coffee grounds.

Using fabric softener sheets is a “super simple, super effective” method, the experts said.

“Researchers don’t really know what exactly it is mosquitoes hate about dryer sheets, but the proof is in the pudding. Put some in your pockets or stuff some in couches to keep the buzz at bay.”

Households can also try pouring dry coffee grounds into pools, ponds or other water features in the garden which will push the mosquito eggs to the surface, “causing them to dry out”.

Certain oils, plants and scented candles are effective at repelling mosquitoes. Some of the essential oils they hate the most include lavender, eucalyptus, laurel or rosemary.

Having these plants in the garden will also help, and “you will notice their presence less”.

Some flowers also help prevent mosquitoes in the house and garden, including geraniums or petunias.

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