It’s likely you’re making a number of makeup mistakes that, instead of making you look and feel better, are actually making you feel much older. Thankfully, a beauty expert is decoding the right way to use anti-ageing makeup to look younger.
A makeup expert explained how mature women should be doing their make-up. She tells her fans common make-up techniques popular in the 1980s and 1990s can look “cakey” and “heavy” on mature skin.
On her TikTok account, @momswhomakeup1, Nicole demonstrated the proper make-up techniques women over the age of 40 should be using.
Nicole showed two different makeup looks on two sides of her face. On the right, she showed the common make-up mistakes mature women now use as the techniques were popular in the 80s and 90s.
On the other left side, Nicole demonstrates what make-up techniques women should be doing instead. She said: “Alright, ladies, you might be wondering why I have half my face done and why it looks God-awful.”
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The make-up expert went on to explain: “If you grew up in the 80s and 90s like I did, chances are you are making at least one of these make-up mistakes. We do not want to apply our make-up like we did in the nineties, please Lord no, because for mature skin none of that works anymore.”
Nicole walked through the must-dos when applying make-up on mature skin. She first began with foundation and applied a small amount of foundation to her hand.
She dabbed her make-up brush onto the foundation. Nicole explained “small amounts of foundation tapped onto the skin” was the key to achieving a more youthful make-up look. She quickly and swiftly dabbed her skin with the foundation on the make-up brush, creating an even and glowy coverage.
Nicole’s next addressed applying eyeliner correctly. She said “keep [your] eye open for wings” and advised women not to pull the skin on their taught with their other hand while putting on eyeliner. This will result in a wobbly line.
The make-up expert showed herself putting on her bronzer and said it was important to apply it “up at an angle” while using a brush. Like the foundation, she began to swiftly dab her bronzer on using a make-up brush.
Nicole’s key advice was to never apply makeup downward. She put on a “tiny dab” of concealer and blush around her cheeks and down from her eyes. She emphasised it was important to keep moving the brush upwards while applying make-up.
Nicole showed off her finished face. On the right side, was her old make-up look from the 90s, and on the left side was the make-up techniques she had demonstrated. She said: “Look at the difference, this is crazy.”
She explained what was wrong with the 90s look on the right side of her face, and said: “The ageing of this side is brutal. All of the cakey foundation is settling into the wrinkles and the fine lines are going to get really prominent as time goes on because I caked on that concealer.
“Everything is drooping down on this side, because of the placement of everything. I placed everything to make it look heavy and pulled down.”
The make-up expert showed the left side of her face and said: “This side, everything is lifted. It literally takes years off your face.”
In the video comment section, women were thankful for the beauty advice. One woman said there was “such a difference” between both of Nicole’s looks while another user said that they “definitely learned some things.”
One grateful commentator said: “GAME CHANGER! I just did it your new way and wow. I think I took years off my life. Thank you for sharing!”
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