How to look younger: ‘Super simple’ make up tutorial will ‘take ten years off your face’

A beauty expert has revealed her “super simple” make-up tutorial which she says will take “10 years off your face in less than 10 minutes.” On TikTok, Meagan Anderson has explained her easy tutorial which only requires four products.

Meagan is a creator who specialises in beauty hacks on how to look younger as well as talking about issues mature women face.

In her latest video, Meagan has a make-up tutorial which she says will “take ten years off your face in less than ten minutes.”

She began clipping back her hair in preparation and said: “Today we are going to be doing a little underpainting tutorial. This is definitely a ‘trust the process’ kind of deal, because it gets kind of janky along the way.”

Meagan began with a L’Oreal Paris Infallible foundation, and say she was using the 425 chestnut colour, which is a dark brown.

She began using the foundation to place two dots on her upper cheek on both sides of her face and said it place it higher on your cheek than you usually would.

She said: “Placement is everything…bump it up girlfriend, we are working against gravity.”

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Meagan then placed dots on her forehead, above her lower eyebrow and two lines on her nose in order to contour her face. If you wish to find out the exact placements you can check Meagan’s video tutorial.

She then began to use a make-up sponge to gently blend the foundation together, and said it was important to place her foundation dots in the same place she did.

Meagan said: “We are working to uplift the face so I am going to use the more pointed end here, and blend, blend, blend.”

Once her cheeks were blended, Meagan began gently blending the upper part of her face by using the sponge to gently dab downward and then placed two lines under her chin on her jawline, which she also began to blend in.

Her face looked extremely orange, and she laughed and said it was part of the tutorial. Meagan said: “Okay again, trust the process! Once you’ve got your contour in place, we brought the cheekbones higher, we gave ourselves a jawline, and warmed up the outer face.”

The beauty expert then said it was time for the highlighter and was using a L’Oreal Paris highlighter with the 345 oatmeal colour.

Meagan said: “You’re gonna want to place it everywhere where you want to bring light to. So, definitely going to be the centre of your face, down the bridge of your nose, right over your lip.”

She added that she also used the highlighter to “clean up” her contour, and began blending it over the darker foundation as well.

For the next step, Meagan used a liquid blush and placed it on her cheekbone on the edge of her face. She said: “Repeating the same thing, every product is put on at an upward angle.

After that, Meagan said everything was now “under-painted” and said it should look “crazy”.

She then said it was time to use your usual foundation and used a small amount with her finger to dab and create dots all over the face, which she then began to blend using a make-up sponge. .

Megan said she was “going right over the top” of her contour, and had a trick on how to blend without messing up the contour. She said: “I am bouncing it gently, and I am making sure not to pull so I am not pulling the colour.”

After that, Meagan’s tutorial was done to reveal her look, which looked glowing and she said it was taken “ten years off my face.”

For the end of the tutorial, Meagan said: “”I love under-painting because your colours defuse, it is coming from underneath so it just this really natural and subtle uplifted contour glow.”

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