A sagging, wrinkled neck skin can be one of the first signs of ageing that appear on our bodies.
One of the reasons for this is that people often forget to put serums, moisturisers, sunscreen and masks on their necks.
While neck wrinkles are a natural part of the ageing process, skincare experts have shared a key way to prevent neck wrinkles from appearing.
Dr Joshua Zeichner said neck wrinkles can be caused by the same factors that cause face wrinkles.
He told InStyle that when the skin foundation on the neck wrinkles and the muscles under the skin constrict, skin will fold and wrinkle over time which will eventually remain there.
Dr Caroline Robinson also said constant neck motion, looking down at phones or laptops and inadequate protection can cause necks to wrinkle.
She told Vogue: “The neck tends to age faster than our face because it is thinner; therefore, natural loss of collagen and elastin in the skin can lead to sagging, loose skin (laxity), and wrinkle formation more readily.”
Luckily, Dr Ira Savetsky, a board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeon, has shared the “best” way to prevent neck wrinkles from appearing in the first place.
She said: “The best way to prevent neck wrinkles is a good daily skin care regimen, including sunscreen of at least 30 SPF, hydration, a healthy balanced diet, and avoidance of Instagram (just kidding), or at least elevating your smartphone so you are not constantly bending your neck.”
To prevent our necks from getting damaged by the sun, people should aim to use an SPF of 30 or higher.
It’s also best to use a sunscreen that’s waterproof to stop it coming off with sweat.
Wearing sunscreen protects skin from sunburn, skin cancer and premature ageing.
It’s essential that people apply sunscreen every day as the sun can still damage the skin when it’s cloudy.