Laundry hack: TikTok mum says one product saved her clothes and ‘changed my life’

Cait Regan, a family influencer on TikTok, has discovered that Shout colour catcher sheets can be used to save whitewashing that has been decoloured in the washing machine. Cait discovered this “game-changing” hack after her favourite clothes had almost been ruined after a price of coloured clothing accidentally got mixed up in her laundry.

On Tiktok, Cait said her “mind was blown” after the laundry hack saved her favourite pile of white clothes. She thought that Shout colour catcher sheets only worked in the dryer, and was surprised that the product can be used in the washing machine to save white clothes.

She explained: “I accidentally washed my favourite whites with a pair of jeans, and that little jerk snuck right in there, I didn’t even know they were there. I knew about these Shout colour catcher sheets for when you want to dry whites and darks or whites and colours together.”

Cait continued “But what I didn’t know was that you can actually use these if you accidentally dye your clothes. Say you did a load of whites, there is accidentally a pink shirt in there and all of your clothes turn pink, you can actually rewash that load of whites with a couple of these in the washing machine and it takes the colour out.”

“Why did I not know this? Like I said, I knew that you could use these colour catcher sheets in the dryer when you purposely wanted to dry different clothes together. However, I had no idea it would fix your mistakes! This is such a game changer for me.”

READ MORE: Six steps to ‘significantly’ save when doing laundry

Shout catcher sheets can be found on Amazon for around £20 ($24) and are highly rated on the site.

Andrew from Canada is the top reviewer and has said that the product works, and he wrote: “The product makes promises and yes, it delivers.”

He added: “Great product all around. Expensive, but it’s not something you use for every load. It’s good insurance for new clothes and clothes you want to keep looking good for a long time.”

This hack comes after another homes guru shared her must-have to “make your clothes dry faster and reduce static.” Deirdre Doherty, an LA interior designer, shared her “hot tip” for drying clothes.

Her laundry hack is using dryer balls when using your tumble dryer. Deirdre has said dryer balls are “super easy” to get, as they are available at Trader Joe’s as well as a lot of laundry isles in supermarkets.

Deirdre said: “They help tumble your clothes and they make your clothes dry faster. So they’re super duper eco and they get rid of static, I’m just a super big fan.”

Dryer balls are meant to prevent clothes from clumping together and let warm air flow about them more easily, which will make clothes dry faster. They also help soften the fabric in clothes, as the dryer balls are will continue to agitate against the fibres in clothes when they are in the dryer, so clothes should be soft to the touch.


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