M&S Food: Shoppers ‘work out’ how to win free shopping with their Sparks card

Marks and Spencer is every time you scan the card, you’re in for a chance of winning the contents of your shopping basket for free. Shoppers have taken to social media, believing they have worked out how the food store chooses the lucky winners.

The chances of a Sparks user getting their shopping for free is around one in 1,000 customers.

The retailer introduced the offer two years ago as part of a revamp of the Sparks scheme, and one shopper per branch is picked at random every week to get their shopping for free, as well as one online customer per week.

As for how the winner is chosen every week, Marks and Spencer say “a lucky transaction is chosen at random in every store and online every week”.

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In other Marks and Spencer news, 20 new stores are going to be opening in the coming months as part of restructuring the brand. There will be eight full-line stores and 12 new food halls, so more chances of winning your food shop for free!

The new full-line stores will stock both food and clothes, and five of the sites will be located in shopping centres the following shopping centres in old Debenhams stores: Birmingham Bullring, Trafford Centre in Manchester, Leeds White Rose, Liverpool ONE and Lakeside Thurrock.

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