Audra Bauch is a 19-year-old TikToker who has posted a viral video on her account @6udra about the criticism she has faced from her mother over the clothes she wears. The social media star reenacted a conversation she has often had with her mother who said her shirts are “too booby”.
In the TikTok video, Audra explained that her mother has always said to her “your shirt is too bobby.” The social media influencer said she always replies: “I’m a 32DDD, everything is going to be booby.”
In the video caption for the video, Audrea said that the same interaction with her mother happens “every day.”
The TikTok video has went viral on social media, as many young women in the comments related to defending their appearance while arguing with their mother.
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Laura Choate, a professor of counsellor education at Louisiana State University, spoke to CNN about the importance of mothers helping their daughters gain a healthy body image. She said: “Girls are so bombarded with it through the media that if parents don’t take a stand and say, ‘I’m going to actively fight these negative messages,’ (then) it’s hard to override them.”
Laura is the author of the book ‘Swimming Upstream: Parenting Girls for Resilience in a Toxic Culture’ and an expert on what influences confidence in teenagers. She has urged mothers to think more carefully when talking about appearances with their daughters.
She said: “Any time that we are criticizing ourselves, acting negatively or saying negative things about ourselves or engaging in dieting behaviors or other kinds of unhealthy eating behaviors, our daughters are watching this and then they internalize that message and feel badly about their own bodies in return.”
In order to get young women to have a healthier body image, Laura has suggested that parents cut out how much they speak about appearances, as it can cause young women to believe their worth is tied to their shape.
Laura said: “We don’t want her to believe that. We want her to be able to emphasize all of her many strengths, which includes her physical appearance, but it certainly includes a lot more in terms of her intellectual development, her spiritual development, her relationships.”
The professor said mothers know what it is like to be young women, and it is important to relate to how they feel. She said: “We’ve been through these experiences that where we’ve come through to the other side where we realize we are so much more than our bodies and if somebody doesn’t appreciate us for all aspects of us, then maybe they’re not somebody that we need to have in our lives.”