‘My terrible first date gave me bladder issues for 10 years’

Not all first dates end in happily ever after, and for Personal Trainer Jack* this was certainly the case.

Jack, who was 24 at the time, was absolutely buzzing that a “really hot girl” he had had a crush on agreed to go out with him.

On their first trip to the cinema to see the new Harry Potter movie – they were both huge fans – Jack wanted to impress her by splurging on supersized snacks, popcorn, chocolate and drinks.

But he lived to regret the supersized drink, telling Express.co.uk: “Getting a supersized drink is the worst thing you can do at the cinema – because you end up wanting to go to the toilet.”

Jack was fully engrossed in the film but about soon enough was “dying” to go to the toilet.

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“But I’m excited about this film, and on a date with this girl and it’s going really well, so I didn’t really want to get up.”

Noticing the rest of the cinema was absolutely loving Harry Potter, he also didn’t want to cause a disruption by trying to leave the cinema mid-movie.

Jack continued: “About halfway through the film I was desperate to go for a wee, so much so that it was hurting my stomach, but I didn’t want to cause a stir.

“I was also halfway through my supersized drink – which I was still drinking – another mistake.”

By the end of the film Jack felt “so ill” from holding it that he sprinted out of the cinema when the credits started rolling.

“I charged out of the cinema, I literally ran for it because I was in so much pain, and I managed to make it to the toilet. Because it hurt so much I ended up puking.”

Jack emerged from the toilet looking like a “rat” and “stinking” of vomit in front of his beautiful date.

He admitted: “She clearly knew what was going on and that was pretty much the only date I ever had with her because she never wanted to see me again after that.”

But the disaster date had some more dire consequences, even worse than failing to secure date number two.

“The long term effects of holding your pee are not very good, so for about 10 years after that every time I needed to go to the toilet I’d have to immediately otherwise that feeling of sickness came back.”

*Names have been changed.

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