Oppenheimer and Barbie battle again in Hollywood as Oscars 2024 begins live | Celebrity News | Showbiz & TV

Jimmy Kimmel took to the stage at the Oscars tonight, treating the crowd to A-listers to the classic opening monologue, full of jokes.

The funnyman aimed the number of celebrity guests after warning earlier in the week nothing’s “off limits”.

The 56-year-old proved this as he fired off a joke at the expense of Oppenheimer star Robert Downey Jr and his substance abuse history.

“This is the highest point of Robert Downey Jr’s long and illustrious career…well one of the highest points…” He began.

As the live cameras switched to see Robert’s reaction, the MCU icon tapped the tip of his nose, prompting Jimmy to add: “Was that too on the nose or was that a drug motion you made?”

Taking the joke in stride, the 58-year-old began performing some charades after a moment of hesitation.

Likely sensing the tension, Jimmy swiftly moved on to complimenting the actor saying: “Look at this guy, he’s so handsome, so talented.

But things soon took another turn as Jimmy stuttered: “Is that an acceptance speech in your pocket or do you just have a very rectangular penis?”

Shocked by the X-rated jibe, Robert stared unblinking for a few moments before simply shrugging.

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