Horoscopes for today

Horoscopes for today

Horoscopes for today

Horoscopes for today

Horoscopes for today

Horoscopes for today

Horoscopes for today

Horoscopes for today

Horoscopes for today

Horoscopes for today

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Returning unwanted Christmas gifts: Your rights explained

We’ve all been there. Opening a Christmas gift from a well-meaning friend or relative, only to find it’s either too big, too small, or just not to your taste at all. The obvious solution? A sneaky return so you can either swap it, or get the money back. But what …

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How to tell if someone is snooping on your Android

It takes seconds for someone to compromise privacy and security on your Android phone.  Though compromise from strangers such as hackers and other cybercriminals are more commonly discussed, sometimes it is the snooping by those near you that can be the most shocking.  Detecting that your phone has been tampered …

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