To find out which items generate bad luck in the living space, expert psychic Inbaal Honigman partnered with Slot Tracker.
According to expert psychic Inbaal Honigman, lilac is one of the “unluckiest” items to have in your home.
It’s super popular, with an average monthly search of 49,500, however, it has been associated with bad luck for many years, claimed the psychic.
Inbaal stated: “Old English tradition forbids lilacs in the house. Old folk tales linked lilac with faeries and bad spirits, and inviting them into the home was seen as a bad idea.”
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For those who love the pretty purple flower, the garden is probably their best bet, as “outside of the house, lilac is fine.”
Cacti have become very trendy in recent years, and have a monthly search volume of 40,500.
However, their prickly thorns can bring bad luck, the psychic claimed, as they aren’t conducive to a home’s “flow”.
Inbaal explained: “Dry and spiky, Cacti energy doesn’t encourage the flow of energy in the house.
“The spikes and thorns are sharp, which is seen to disrupt flow, and they point in all directions, mixing up the energy of the house.
“If you love having a cactus around, place it outside, so it can take the bad fortune out of your house with it.”
Next up on the psychic’s list were broken clocks, as they signify time standing still.
Inbaal explained that all broken items “disrupt the natural flow of energy”, but “none more than a broken clock” – so get these replaced fast.
“The symbolism of time standing still is seen to prevent progress and disrupt the passage of time. In some cultures, broken or stopped clocks at home are said to signify death.”
Dead plants are often unlucky and generate bad luck in the home, according to Inbaal, as they are the antithesis of life.
Advising homeowners to ditch their dead plants in place of some fresh ones, the psychic said: “The look of a dead plant, shrivelling away in its container, is sad at the best of times.
“Here is something that was once alive, and with loving care, could have carried on living. It symbolises neglect, and potentially even speaks to the emotional hardships of the plant’s owner.
“When we seek to keep our homes and lives in a state of growth, we can’t keep hold of something that stopped growing. Remove dead plants, and rotting cut flowers, as soon as you spot them.”
Finally, the expert psychic claimed that old brooms are a symbol of bad luck, and must never be brought into a new home.
This is in case the old broom sweeps back in all the bad energy swept away in the previous home.
Inbaal explained: “A new broom is clean and firm, symbolising efficiency and pragmatism. An old broom is worn out, with dirt caught in its bristles, symbolising futility and disruption. “Holding on to a broom that’s past its best means clinging to the past and refusing to move ahead to a brighter future.
“In some cases, fear of witches inspired people to be afraid of old brooms indoors. Switching to a new broom instantly lifts the energy of the house.
“In a witch’s circle, sweeping around the perimeter with a besom, or a witch’s broom, walking clockwise, sets the scene and cleanses and purifies the space.”