Queen Camilla wears ‘chic’ cape over red Fiona Clare dress – perfect for ‘chilly days’

Queen Camilla wore three significant bracelets on her wrists today. These were a personalised gold bracelet, a cotton friendship bracelet, and a gold evil eye bracelet.

The personalised gold bracelet is a chunky gold chain with a variety of coin-like charms dangling from it. One of the charms is a gold disk engraved with the numbers 30.12.09, which is the birth date of her twin grandsons, Gus and Louis.

Charlotte White, Head of Design at 77 Diamonds, Europe’s largest online jeweller, told Express.co.uk: “The Queen Consort has been seen wearing an understated blue friendship bracelet made of twisted fabric since late 2020—a far cry from her more traditional, regal tiaras and statement necklaces.”

Charlotte continued: “Camilla has also been seen wearing a bracelet on a delicate gold chain, adorned with a sideways cross and evil eye: a millennia-old symbol designed to ward off unwelcome attention.”

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