Study: Black men are the most likely to die from melanoma

Study: Black men are the most likely to die from melanoma

Study: Black men are the most likely to die from melanoma


BOSTON – A new study finds that men are more likely to die from melanoma than women. The highest risk of death was among Black men.

A new article published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology looked at data on more than 200,000 people and found that melanoma survival rates were lowest for Black men followed by Hispanic, Asian, and American Indian men.

People with lighter skin tones are more likely to develop melanomas in areas of the body exposed to the sun, patients with darker skin are more likely to get melanomas in areas shielded from the sun, making them more difficult to spot. And it may be harder to notice a new brown or dark spot on the skin of someone with darker pigment.

Therefore, people of all skin tones need to protect themselves from excessive sun exposure, be vigilant and look for skin changes all over the body, including the palms and soles, and seek medical attention if changes are seen.

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