The world is run by evil, no justice no peace! Democrats say that the republican…

The world is run by evil, no justice no peace! Democrats say that the republicans or the conservatives have all the power. More Democrat lies! If that’s true why isn’t Bill Clinton not in prison, or Hillary, or the people on the Epstein list? Or Alec Baldwin? Because if we really had the ‘power’ these people would be in prison for good. #faniwilliscorrupt #liberalismisamentaldisorder #liberalismisadiesease #paidoffjudges #paidofflawyers #democratjudges #liberalssuck #liberalsnowflakes #democratsaredestroyingamerica #stupiddemocrats #democratsareevil #liberalscantmeme #liberalscum #presidenttrump🇺🇸 #presidenttrump #biasedmedia #donttreadonme🐍 #maga2024 #noconscience #nojusticenopeace #libtards #michelleobamaisaman #obamasucks #killaryclinton #clintonbodybags #joebidenisanidiot #climaxing #arousedwomen


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