What wearing red to a wedding really means

People have been left horrified after learning what wearing the colour red at a wedding “really means”. While it is common knowledge to not wear white to a wedding to avoid upstaging the bride, many are shocked at discovering there is another colour that guests should treat as “off limits”.

While discussing colour etiquette on their podcast show The Unfiltered Bride, hosts Georgie and Beth explained why it was best not to opt for a red outfit when going to a wedding. After discussing the problems and arguments that can be sparked by wearing white, Beth asked Georgie: “So are there any other colours apart from white that you shouldn’t wear at a wedding?”

“Yes — red.” Georgie replied, before claiming: “Red means you’ve slept with the groom. [It’s an] old wives’ tale, but to me I don’t think I’d rule out red as a colour. I think it depends on the dress.”

Beth added: “I feel like red could be seen as quite sexy, a bit ‘look at me’ and naughty.” Walesonline reported that since sharing the advice with viewers, the clip has been watched a million times on TikTok, with hundreds rushing to the comment section to share their horrified reactions.

Alongside a shocked emoji face, one user admitted: “Not me wearing a red dress to one of my best friends weddings.” Nayla wrote: “But my mum wants to wear red.”

READ MORE: ‘My mother-in-law is wearing funeral attire to my wedding’

Rachel commented: “This is awkward… my mother in law wore a white dress (I know!!!) with red jacket and accessories. I married her son!!!” Anne said: “My sister had her bridesmaids in red… We had no idea lol.”

Shelby typed: “Oops I didn’t know that! lol well I wore red but in my defence it was more maroon and it was my first wedding lol guess I will know for next time.” Lauren added: “I wore red to my cousin’s wedding whilst pregnant.”

However, Tasha argued: “I always thought you shouldn’t wear red because it’s so flashy.” And See Lo commented: “Only in America. In different cultures, red means luck, joy or happiness.”

Annie chipped in: “Apparently if you wear black it means you disapprove of the marriage!” Meanwhile, Cece joked: “I’ll wear red to be toxic. Make ’em think.”

Speaking to The Mirror, Philip Sykes, principal of The British School of Etiquette, added: “Full blown red can set a precedent for trying to outdo the bride. A little splash of red in your ensemble is acceptable though.”

And on the online wedding forum ukbride, some readers said that they remembered being told by older members of their family that red and white denoted “blood and bandages” and was therefore considered a bad omen.

But another commentator said: “Oh dear, old wives tales, don’t take any notice. Most people have their weddings on Saturdays (also thought to be a harbinger of bad luck), and had red as their scheme. And have no worse luck than anyone else.”

They added: “Red is the color of weddings.”

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