Woman ‘annoyed’ by neighbour’s ‘loud’ and ‘thoughtless’ garden ornament

One woman took to Mumsnet to share her experience of having to listen to a neighbour’s windchime every day and wanted to know how to approach the situation. 

The post was titled “Neighbours windchime” and it read: “It’s massive…it’s so loud.” 

The woman lived in a row of terraced houses and explained how it wasn’t one of her neighbours “next door” but “the next one across”. 

She added: “A slight bit of breeze and it’s all I can hear. Why?!?! Why have them in your garden?! They annoy other people!

“Tempted to have a fire in the garden tonight but really don’t want to upset my other nice neighbours. I just don’t get it. It’s so loud and so annoying!” 

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The post received over a hundred replies with varying advice. One suggested the woman wear earplugs when outside in her garden to block the noise, but no one agreed with this. 

Roselilly36 said: “I can’t stand windchimes, really annoying noise.” LaLaLouella agreed: “It’s irritating and thoughtless – of course you shouldn’t have to wear earplugs in your own garden FFS!” 

Thingsthatgo commented: “Wind chimes give me absolute rage. I would rather screaming children or a barking dog. There’s something about the plinky plonks sound of wind chimes that really winds me up!”

Orangegato added: “Grinds my f****** gears people causing a noise nuisance. No one wants to listen to someone else’s windchime/music/radio. And no I won’t sit in my garden with earplugs thanks though.” 

ShandaLear said: “God awful things. Unpleasant and jarring to listen to.” 

Gherkinggreen offered sensible advice: “In our first house about 25 years ago, we had a small wind chime, didn’t realise it annoyed anyone until a neighbour said so. We took it down, no issue, not worth falling out over.” 

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