The woman explained how it has left her feeling “like a kid in school being bullied”, and took to Reddit to ask for advice.
Fed up with her designated wheelie bin never being returned after rubbish collection, she “painted even bigger numbers” on the side of her bin to make it more obvious that it belonged to her. But it made no difference, as she revealed the neighbour “stole it again”.
She explained: “This has been going on for months. A neighbour has been stealing my wheelie bin…It’s only my bin they take. It feels personal to me.”
She’s unsure which of her neighbours is the bin-stealer. She managed to take a “photo of him” but he doesn’t live on her street, so she’s “unsure of his address”.
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The woman added: “It looks like he stole mine as an extra bin for their house, which makes it worse that I’m left without a bin. He takes it back in long before I get up too.
“I’m disabled so can’t afford to get it replaced, even if I could they’d possibly steal that one too – currently using a broken bin that was abandoned.
“It’s also the principle of it, the thought of letting them get away with stealing my bin so blatantly just really upsets me.
“It’s a stupid little thing but it’s genuinely really upsetting me. Is there anything I can do?”
There were many helpful suggestions left for the lady. One said: “Have you asked the council for assistance with your bins as you’re disabled?
“In my council, you apply and they give you an orange sticker to put on your bins which tells the collectors you’re disabled and they will put your bin back in its place for you.”
Another commented: “Please contact your borough council to get assisted bin collection – you’ll get a big disabled sticker you apply to bin that states assisted collection and bin men will put it back in your garden where they collected it from Ie. Leave it nearer your window/house with the sticker side facing outwards.
“Also if it continues, talk to the council that someone keeps stealing your bin and they use it instead and don’t return it.
“The bin men will know who is taking it as it’ll have a big disabled sticker on it as well as your house number.”