Yup, still his! #MAGA Patriots- we need to stand up for America and the principl…

Yup, still his! #MAGA Patriots- we need to stand up for America and the principles that our country was founded on.. #fjb #bidencrimefamily #impeachbiden #notmypresident #inditebiden #impeachmayorkis #trumpwon #trump2024 #MAGA #maga2024 #buildthewall #voterid #Americafirst #americansbeforeillegals #deportthem #ICE #immigration #makeamericagreatagain #libtards #letsgobrandon #nomoresanctuary #onlyonegender #iloveamerica #ilovetheUSA #2A #J6 #whitelivesmatter #securetheborder #DEI #boycotttysonfoods


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