August horoscope 2023: Monthly horoscope reading for each star sign

august calendar 2023

August ‘mixes up love lives’ of two star signs as new moons bring ‘double opportunities’ (Image: GETTY)

Inbaal summarised the next month’s events as: “Once in every… blue moon, which is what we call the second full moon in a month. This gives us double the opportunity to make new-moon wishes, and boy are we going to need it. 

“For the whole of August, Venus is in retrograde. Venus is the planet of love and beauty, and this retrograde will mix up the love lives of many, especially Taurus and Libra.”


Inbaal said: “Moving fast and breaking things is in your nature, Aries. You’re a lightning-quick sign with no time to dawdle. 

“Not so this August. Your ruling planet is Mars, a planet of sex and war, and that’s the planet that gives you your temper. For nearly all of August, this planet is in sensible Virgo, so you suddenly take your time making important decisions, and your temper is mellow all month. 

“On the 28th, your planet moves into Libra, which is even quieter and more peaceful.”


The expert continued: “On the one hand, your ruling planet Venus is in retrograde all month, which means your ex-partners will be crawling back into the present, and you’ll feel drawn to doing things differently and meeting people from your past. 

“On the other hand, Jupiter is in your sign all month. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and generosity, so you’ll find yourself wealthier and luckier than usual, with gifts and offers coming your way. 

“Maybe that blast from the past, an ex who is stepping in from the shadows will be interested in supporting you financially?”

new moon phases

August brings two new moons, at the beginning and end of the month (Image: GETTY)


“You’re more sensible than ever this August, Gemini,” the astrologer commented. “Your ruling planet, Mercury, is the planet of communication, and it is in the calm and balanced sign of Virgo all month long. It means that instead of playful, you choose reasonably, and instead of chaotic, you are neat and tidy. 

“This peaceful period is short-lived though, because on the 24th Mercury turns retrograde, which means silly season is here. Emails will disappear, private messages will become public, and work agreements will suddenly get reversed.”


Inbaal added: “Your ruler is the moon, which goes through shifts and changes every couple of days. Your personality is lunar, meaning emotional, romantic and sensitive. In every month of the year we have a new moon, a full moon, a moon in each of the signs. 

“Those constant shifts are the reason that it’s hard for you to keep a handle on your moods. This August we have an extra event, a blue moon! 

“A second full moon in one month is called a blue moon and is rare enough to be considered special. This second full moon is an extra opportunity to give thanks to the universe for everything that’s gone right in your life – relationships, births, marriages and more.”


“Happy Leo season!” She remarked. “This month touches you in many different ways. 

“Firstly, of course, is Leo season from 23 July to 22 August, so everyone is a bit more Leo in their own way, and this makes life very convenient for you. Less having to modify or explain yourself, more letting your true self shine. Secondly, is the new moon in Leo on 16 August which is the best time for new beginnings for you. 

“But also, the planet Venus, which governs love and beauty, is in your sign all month. It happens to be going retrograde, so most people’s love lives will be a bit upside down, but at least there’s a proud Leo hue to it, so you feel right at home.”


Astrology explained (Image: EXPRESS)


The astrologer said: “Mercury is in your sign all month long, Virgo. It is the planet of communication, so you’ll find yourself chattier than usual. What’s more, Mercury happens to be your ruling planet, so those increased moments of communication – new work contracts, new social media platforms, new language, are all very natural in your eyes. 

“From the 24th, however, Mercury turns retrograde, which puts the breaks on all those new ways of connecting. Expect social media platforms to crash, and languages to get totally mixed up.”


She added: “Your natural demeanour in relationships is calm and personable, Libra. You enjoy equality, and kind words, peacefully spoken. 

“August is a little bit different, because your ruling planet Venus, which is the planet of love and beauty, is going retrograde all month long. This means you’ll be drawn to making some dubious decisions, letting former flames step back into your life, and even dropping some quirky accents into the styling of your house. 

“That’s only half the trouble because Venus is also in proud Leo. This means that you’ll be louder and prouder than usual, and no one can talk you out of those questionable decisions.”


Inbaal continued: “You have two ruling planets, Scorpio. One is your traditional ruling planet, Mars, which rules sex and war. The other is your modern ruler, Pluto, which rules death and rebirth. 

“A passionate pair no doubt, and the handover from one to the other occurred not 100 years ago. Those planets are the reason you’re intense, passionate and unpredictable. 

“On the 25th of the month, both those planets form a favourable angle with one another, which impacts you directly. You feel more practical, more protected and more capable.”


She explained: “You’re a free-spirited sign and try to avoid the sensible choice whenever possible, but this August, the sensible choice just follows you around.

“Your ruling planet, Jupiter, the planet of growth and generosity, is in Taurus all month long, so instead of being spontaneous and wild, you’re going to be reasonable and mild. 

“The moon is in Sagittarius from the 24th to the 27th, and even that won’t be such a crazy time, because the sun is already in rational and pragmatic Virgo those days, so you’ll be practical even then.”


“The furthest planet in the solar system, which is no longer considered a planet, is Pluto, the planet of transformation,” Inbaal noted.

“Pluto has been in your sign for decades, so that’s not news, your commitment to transformations and your acceptance of life’s tides and flows is already second nature at this point. One nice thing happens with Pluto in August. 

“On the 25th, it forms a favourable angle with Mars, the planet of passion, which will influence you and make you more motivated to bring passion into your life.”

inbaal honigman

Inbaal has been practising Tarot and astrologer for over two decades (Image: INBAAL HONIGMAN)


“Your full moon in Aquarius on 1 August is the first of two full moons this month,” she commented. “It’s a time for you to connect with what you want to get out of life – and a time for you to exercise forgiveness towards yourself. 

“You expect perfection from your thoughts and actions, but you wouldn’t expect the same from anyone else! Let the light of the full moon in Aquarius wash over you and fill you with self-acceptance.” 


Inbaal finished: “The full moon on the 31st is your moon, Pisces because it is in your sign on the day. It’s not just a regular full moon, it is a blue moon, which is the second full moon in a month. 

“This is rare and very special, so this full moon will be impactful for you. A bright full moon is the perfect time for manifesting – light a candle, make your wishes, close your eyes and visualise them as if they’ve already come true. 

“But on a blue moon, the manifesting vibe is even stronger. Go large and make some truly epic wishes, because why not.”

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