A married woman in her mid 20s discovered that her husband was cheating on her “emotionally” with “intentions of doing it in the future”.
As far as she knew it had only been “flirting” and “sexting” so far, rather than anything physical.
She revealed on Reddit that she is not upset that her husband wants to sleep with other people – stating that she “really does not mind” – as long as someone is taking “precautions” such as using protection.
What bothered the wife was not the idea of her husband sleeping about other women, but keeping it from her.
She told the forum: “I hate the dishonesty. I would rather someone tell me they want to see someone else on the side.”
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She added that she wants her husband to know that she feels this way.
But despite being totally cool with her husband seeing other women, she has no interest in pursuing other relationships herself.
She asked the forum how she could broach the subject with her husband to tell him she is “fine with it” if he is honest about his cheating.
Later she added that she is getting “frustrated with the lies”, and whenever he does lie to her her “heart sinks”.
She explained that “he can go out and do whatever as long as we have rules to go by”.
Responding to a comment about whether her husband respects her, she said: “He does…this man is the epitome of a good man, respectful, kind and supportive. It’s like he is living a double life.”
Reddit users flocked to the comments section to give advice, with one suggesting: “Tell him you know what he’s been doing and tell him how you feel about it. Then tell him how you’d like to move forward.”
The stressed-out wife then revealed that she wanted to get her money together first as she wasn’t sure how the confrontation would work out.
Another forum user offered: “I’d say this is wise actually because some monogamous people cheat instead of breaking up with their partners – it’s ‘easier’.
“So you never know, this could still end in a breakup if he was just being a coward about it.”
Another Reddit user said: “He will be thrilled that you are okay with him sleeping with whoever he wants.”