He continued: “I COCKED UP SORRY. When bringing up Carer’s Allowance on the fly just now urging the 500,000 carers missing out to check if they’re due it – I said it was worth £4,000 a year, but then mistakenly £140 a week (I verbally transposed it with the max you can earn to get it, £140/wk). Carers allowance is £77/wk.
“I’m so sorry. It should be £140/wk but isn’t. Still the big message is if you’re a carer and care over 35 hours a week check if you’re due it. If not check if you’re due carers National Insurance credits which can boost your state pension.”
As many as 10.6 million people in the UK work as unpaid carers, with 12,000 people becoming unpaid carers every day, a new report from TakingCare Personal Alarms shows.
According to Carers UK, 4.3 million people become ‘unpaid carers’ every year. Unpaid careers receive no financial aid for their role as a carer and often juggle work and family life commitments alongside their caring responsibilities.