Michael Moore’s absurd claims about President Trump will leave you questioning his sanity. Another desperate attempt to smear the Commander in Chief.

Michael Moore, the notorious left-wing filmmaker, has once again resorted to fearmongering in a desperate attempt to rally support for Joe Biden. In his recent podcast episode, Moore shockingly praised Donald Trump’s supposed intelligence, claiming that Trump’s ability to evade consequences for his actions is a sign of superior intellect. This baseless assertion is just another example of Moore’s outlandish and unfounded statements.

Despite his past predictions about Trump’s success, Moore’s credibility continues to diminish with each outlandish claim. He suggests that Trump will somehow escape legal troubles leading up to the election, a claim that lacks any basis in reality. Moore’s insistence that only a massive mobilization effort can save the country from Trump’s supposed genius is simply fearmongering at its worst.

It is important to note that Moore has previously made similar claims about Trump’s intelligence, but his extreme bias against the former president is clear. While trying to paint Trump as a mastermind, Moore fails to acknowledge the true character of the man he so vehemently opposes. It is time for Moore to face the reality of his own biases and stop spreading baseless fear among the American people.

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