‘My wife stopped my best friend coming to our wedding because of strict dress code’

A groom has faced a furious backlash on the internet after he confessed to telling his best friend to “man up” because his wife was not keen for him to be at their wedding if he didn’t meet the strict dress code.

An unnamed man took to Reddit’s ‘AmItheA******’ forum after questioning his harsh words, as all his friends have stopped talking to him since the confrontation. 

The groom revealed he grew up with his best friend Taylor all his life, but was left conflicted about going against his fiance, the “love of his life” Anne. 

In his post, he wrote: “After a long and thoughtful conversation, my fiance voiced her concerns about inviting Taylor to our wedding.”

Anne’s problem with Taylor was that he was an”old punk” and that Taylor was dating a man who is “also very flamboyant.”

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The groom stressed that Anna’s issue was not because Taylor is gay, but rather was worried about if the couple would abide by her dress code. 

He wrote: “Anne wants a very minimalist, quiet, calm, wedding because she struggles with anxiety and ADHD.”

At Anne’s request, the groom went and confronted Taylor the next day and told him her concerns. 

According to the groom, Taylor said: “Do you think I’m gonna show up in a white dress?”

But the groom got serious and said he needed Taylor to promise to “respect the dress code” by wearing a “black tuxedo for the guys.”

Afterwards, the groom became worried he was “caught up in the moment” during his conversation with Taylor, and confessed he was “harsher than I should’ve been.” 

He revealed that he told Taylor to “man up” and “act his age”, but also said “some stupid stuff” to Taylor and told him about people laugh at him due to how he dresses. 

Taylor declined the couple’s online wedding invite the very next day, and the man added that his friend group chat has been “dead” since his harsh exchange.

The groom added that his family group chat has been “burning” because they are upset and do not understand why Taylor will not be at the wedding. 

He wrote: “I love Tay, but I know he can be difficult” and asked the internet if he has been an “a**hole” as the situation was now “bothering” him.

The groom has since been flooded with criticism over his behaviour. One Redditor wrote: “[Your] fiancé is a homophobe. As someone with anxiety and ADHD myself, I can confidently say that I’ve never been impacted by someone else’s attire.”

Another user commented: “Your fiancee can’t stand people deviating from gender norms because of her… anxiety and ADHD??? Hm! That’s not a symptom I’ve heard of before!” 

A third commenter informed the groom that his “friend group chat isn’t dead, they’re started a new one without you.” 

The majority of the users believed the couple was wrong in the situation, and many comments informed the groom that he has likely lost Taylor as a friend due to the confrontation. 

One popular comment said: “ You’ve just made it very clear to Taylor that you don’t respect him or his choices, so it’s not surprising at all that he’s not coming to your wedding. Consider it possible that you’ve lost him as a friend period.”

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