Prince William & Harry are like ‘land mines primed to explode’ – no longer ‘complementary’

Prince William and Prince Harry reunited at the Queen’s funeral for the first time since they unveiled their mother’s statue a year beforehand. However, the Duke of Sussex made many explosive claims in his Netflix documentary about the two brothers’ current relationship.

Judi James, a body language expert, broke down the body language timeline of William and Harry that led to the brothers “acting like strangers”.

She claimed: “When we look at the body language timeline of brothers William and Harry we can see the glaring evolution from complementary brothers, in what appears to be an almost exclusive, tightly bonded relationship to men acting like strangers, with their animosity barely hidden by any mask of civility as they bump up against each other in public like land mines primed to explode.

“As young boys, their body language suggested dissimilar personality traits that formed a complementary ‘fit’ when they were together.

“With their mother very much the third party when it came to fun and spontaneously emotional, loving responses, William tended to adopt a slightly more adult and conscientious approach while Harry, like his mother, was all about naughtiness and pranks,” the expert opined.

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According to Judi, there were signs that their relationship was closer in their younger years.

Judi suggested: “As Harry’s wingman, William provided an almost paternal presence alongside the infamous banter and competitive traits they shared.

“As William’s wingman, Harry was the man to lighten the load for the brother born into a sense of destiny, duty and responsibility. William had the status while Harry had more freedom and the potential for more irresponsible fun.

“When Kate came on the scene the balance and the complementary characteristics remained and even possibly strengthened.


“Kate and Harry’s body language together always suggested a sense of being partners in crime.

“With Kate, William became what must have been an even stronger parental presence in Harry’s life and a stable base when he was fighting wars or globe-trotting.”

However, William and Harry’s relationship became “vulnerable” according to the body language expert.

The expert claimed: “All sibling relationships based on status dominance and parental influence can be vulnerable though, especially when the younger sibling wants to be treated like a high-status adult themselves.

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She claimed: “Although the public was distracted by rumours of a rift between Kate and Meghan it turned out that the unthinkable was actually true, that Diana’s boys who had grown together in the shadow of shared tragedy had actually fallen out in a way that was to prove potentially fatal.

“The brothers who could not be in any form of proximity together without grinning and laughing and winding each other up began to perform rituals of avoidance in public that looked toe-curlingly awkward.

“There are still traces of their signature body language mirroring when they are together, suggesting some deeper ties might well still bind them.

“But their faces will now wear expressions made of stone and while William often adopts the pose and expressions of sadness you might expect of a funeral director, Harry’s haunted eye expression and his signals of agitation and anxiety speak volumes.”

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