Gwyneth Paltrow’s ski collision lawsuit testimony: Five notable moments | US News

Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow is being sued by a retired optometrist who says she crashed into him on a ski slope, leaving him with a number of injuries.

Paltrow denies this – claiming that Terry Sanderson crashed into her – and on Friday she had her chance to share her side of the story with a court room in Park City, Utah.

Among the notable moments:

Terry Sanderson was making ‘strange noises that sounded male’

Paltrow said she had initially thought she was being sexually assaulted during the collision.

She said she knew a man had crashed into her because he was making “some strange noises that sounded male” and he was “large”.

She said she felt “a body pressing against me”, adding: “There was a strange grunting noise”.

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Paltrow describes ‘strange grunting noise’

Are you counter-suing for $1 because of a Taylor Swift case?

Paltrow was asked if she was counter-suing for $1 because US singer Taylor Swift brought a similar “symbolic” lawsuit in the past.

When asked if she knew about Swift’s case, Paltrow said: “I had not been familiar with it, but I now am.”

“It’s an actual dollar that I’m asking for – it’s symbolic because the damages would actually be more,” she added.

When asked if she and Swift are friends, she said: “I would not say we’re good friends – we are friendly, but we don’t talk very often.”

Read more:
Watch Hollywood star give evidence in court

Terry Sanderson in court. Pic: AP
Terry Sanderson. Pic: AP

Recreating events in the court room

Kristin Van Orman, a lawyer for Terry Sanderson, asked if Paltrow could step away from the witness stand to demonstrate what happened at the time of the collision.

The actress’s lawyers object – an objection sustained by the judge.

Ms Van Orman instead attempted to recreate the events herself in the court room, with Paltrow directing her.

Were your children’s ski lessons expensive?

Paltrow was asked how much she had spent on ski lessons for her children Apple and Moses and her now-husband’s children who were also on the trip.

The total bill came to $8,980, a lawyer for Mr Sanderson said.

Paltrow replied: “It’s very expensive.”

Mr Sanderson’s lawyer asked the actress if she is a good tipper, and she confirmed that she is.

Gwyneth Paltrow enters the courtroom for her ski crash trial, in Park City, Utah, U.S. March 24, 2023. Rick Bowmer/Pool via REUTERS

‘I apologise for my language’

Paltrow talked about yelling at Mr Sanderson after the ski collision, saying she was “very upset and it was still very strange to me what had happened”.

Paltrow told the jury that Mr Sanderson “mumbled” an apology after she yelled at him “you skied into my f***ing back!”.

“I apologise for my language,” she told the court.

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