So, like, everyone was freaking out online after the royal fam posted a pic that was totally photoshopped, right? And then, guess what? The Princess of Wales, Kate, was spotted shopping over the weekend and it was all caught on video!
Kate hadn’t been seen in public since January when the palace said she had surgery. But she was spotted shopping near her house in Windsor on Saturday. The Sun and TMZ even posted pics of her outing!
The palace didn’t say anything, and the Windsor Farm Shop where she was seen shopping didn’t pick up the phone when someone called to confirm.
People have been all gossiping about Kate, who’s like, super famous in the royal family, since the surgery announcement in January. The noise got even louder when a fake pic of Kate and her kids was shared by the royal fam. News outlets were like, “Kill it with fire!”
But then, on March 11, Kate was like, “Yeah, I edited the pic, my bad.” She posted on the official royal fam account saying sorry for any confusion.
So, like, the gossip might die down a bit now that there’s video proof of Kate out shopping. TMZ even said, “Yup, that’s definitely her.”