Universal Credit warning as benefit payment dates to change over Easter period | Personal Finance | Finance

Payment dates for state pension, Universal Credit and other benefits are to change over the Easter bank holidays. Claimants may also want to note their payments are due to increase from this week.

Payments due on Good Friday, April 7, or Easter Monday, April 10, for the DWP benefits listed below will be paid on Thursday, April 6:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Employment Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Pension Credit
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • State pension
  • Universal Credit.

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Payments for these HMRC benefits due to be made on Good Friday, April 7, or Easter Monday, April 10, will also be paid on Thursday, April 6:

  • Working Tax Credits
  • Child Tax Credits
  • Child Benefit
  • Guardian’s Allowance.

People can only pay back for this extended period until the end of July, after which a person will only be able to pay contributions up to six years ago.

A person can check their state pension entitlement using the state pension forecast tool on the Government website.

The tool will also tell them if they can claim Pension Credit and how much they would receive.

This benefit tops up the income of those on low incomes and is also increasing 10.1 percent this week. The top up will go up to £201.05 a week for single people and up to £306.85 a week for couples.

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